
Archived Post

From  Mon Mar 13 15:10:23 2023
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From: "Ali Esmaili" <>
Postmaster: submission approved by list moderator
To: Members of AnGenMap <>
Subject: Parrot Genomics Consortium
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2023 15:10:23 -0500

Dear All,

Parrots (Psittaciformes)  are among the highest IQ animals and are good
models for studying intelligence development and language learning. Today,
one-third of their species face extinction, mainly due to anthropogenic
threats. Our aim is to investigate the origin and evolutionary history of
parrots, phenotype formation, and the evolutionary mechanisms of high
intelligence. To shed light on these questions, we hope to establish a parrot
genome consortium and to map the genomes of all extant parrots (~400 species)
using next-generation sequencing and PacBio HiFi sequencing technologies. We
will use the comparative genomic approach, combined with the functional
genomic approach, to investigate the origin and evolution of diverse
phenotypes and outstanding intelligence in this relatively popular species.
Answers to these questions may help us to understand the genetic mechanisms
of intelligence and language development in humans.

We are looking for collaborators around the world to join the consortium.The
potential collaborators who have an interest please contact Prof. Ali
Esmailizadeh (Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran)
(; to discuss more details about
the project and the terms of collaboration.

Kind regards,


Ali Esmailizadeh (PhD),
Professor of Quantitative Genetics & Genomics,
Department of Animal Science,
Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.
TEL: +98 34 31322691
FAX: +98 34 33222043
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