
Archived Post

From  Fri Jun 12 11:37:06 2020
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From: Fernando Biase <>
Postmaster: submission approved by list moderator
To: Members of AnGenMap <>
Subject: PhD position in genomics
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2020 11:37:06 -0500

We are recruiting one graduate research assistant for the doctoral program in
the Biase Lab at the Department of Animal and Poultry Sciences, Virginia Tech.
Our research program focuses on understanding critical aspects of mammalian
reproductive biology through the lens of genomics and systems biology.

Candidates must be goal oriented, highly motivated and dedicated to becoming
a productive scientist, while maintaining high standards of scientific
conduct and integrity. Members of our team must engage with a dynamic program
where we maintain an active pace to develop high quality research. Prior
experience in genomics is not necessary. Students will have the opportunity
to develop skills in bioinformatics, statistics and wet lab techniques.

The student is expected to focus on one of the USDA-NIFA funded projects
mentioned below but will have the opportunity to engage and collaborate in
multiple projects.

*Conceptus-maternal communication. We are focusing on determining the gene
regulatory basis of the conceptus-maternal communication at the time of
implantation in cattle.

For an example of our work on this topic see:

*Molecular profiling of heifer infertility. We are focusing on identifying
molecular features that can predict heifer fertility.

For examples of our work on this topic see: and

Interested candidates should send a CV to Fernando Biase, PhD at



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