
Archived Post

From  Mon Mar 30 14:36:16 2020
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From: Yang Da <>
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To: Members of AnGenMap <>
Subject: Postdoctoral position in quantitative genetics
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2020 14:36:16 -0500

Postdoctoral position in quantitative genetics

A postdoctoral research associate position in quantitative genetics is
available in the Department of Animal Science, University of Minnesota.
The focus of this position is the discovery of genetic mechanism of dairy
reproductive heterosis and application of the heterosis mechanism to improve
reproductive performance of Holstein cattle. Responsibilities of this
position include data analysis for the discovery and understanding of
genetic mechanism underlying dairy reproductive heterosis (60%); methodology
development and extensive validation studies for applying heterosis
mechanism to improve Holstein reproductive performance using U.S. dairy
genomic selection data, dairy cattle sequence data, mouse-cattle
comparative genomics data, and simulation data (30%); and publishing
and presenting research results (10%).  Essential qualifications
include a Ph.D. degree in quantitative genetics, animal breeding and
genetics, bioinformatics or a related field; experience and skills for
processing and analyzing large data sets, and experience in developing
quantitative genetics and mixed model methods for genomic discovery and
selection. Proficiency in oral and written English for scientific
presentation and publishing is desirable.

This project is in collaboration with researchers at the Genomics Center
of the University of Minnesota, Animal Genomics and Improvement Laboratory
of USDA, University of Maryland, NC State University, and University of
Florida. This position is annually renewable for three years upon
satisfactory performance. Expected start date is June 1, 2020 and the
actual start date is negotiable. Salaries are competitive and commensurate
with qualifications. Fringe benefits are offered. Salaries are competitive
and commensurate with qualifications. Fringe benefits are offered.
The university requires an online application for university jobs. To apply,
please follow this link -

Yang Da, Ph.D., Professor in Quantitative Genetics
Department of Animal Science, University of Minnesota, St.Paul, MN 55108
Tel: 612-625-7780, E-mail:



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