
Archived Post

From  Fri Mar 13 09:04:41 2020
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From: Andres Legarra-Albizu <>
Postmaster: submission approved by list moderator
To: Members of AnGenMap <>
Subject: postdoc on behalf of Frederique Pitel
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2020 09:04:41 -0500

Dear all,
I know coming to France may not be very attractive these days, but I would
be very grateful if you could please transfer this information.

This is not a job offer, but a search for a candidate to apply for a
short-term (1 year) post-doc funding. The deadline for submission is April
3rd ( The
description of the Post-Doctoral project (abstract below) has already
been written, but the candidate is missing. If you know a student from
one of the countries below (yours are there!), who has recently defended
her/his thesis (<5 years), and who could be interested in analyzing high
throughput sequencing data on an "environmental epigenetics" program in
hens, could you please forward this information? The applicant must also
not have resided in France since September 2019. The postdoctoral
contract, if funded (gross monthly salary ~ 2,700 euros), must take
effect from September 1st, 2020.

Thank you!

Best wishes

The candidates must come from one of the 40 eligible countries listed
below: nationality and country of residence. Australia, Austria, Belgium,
Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
Germany, Greece, Hong-Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Island, Israel, Italy, Japan,
Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, New-Zeland, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapour, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom, United States of

Abstract of the Post-Doctoral Project Climate change and its consequences
on agriculture is one of the most important adaptation challenges for
livestock production. Moreover, social concerns for a sustainable
agriculture strongly influence animal breeding systems. Poultry production
is a major source of proteins for human food all over the world. In a
context of growing human population, it is thus of importance to work
towards a better adaptation of poultry to heat and feed constraints. We
propose to tackle this broad and challenging question from a biological
perspective through the analysis of chickens epigenome that is known to be
modulated in response to environmental variations. To decipher how chickens
respond to both climate and feed resources changes at molecular levels,
epigenomics high-throughput data (DNA methylation) have been generated (i)
in various chicken lines that were heat- or feed- stressed or not (control
group) and (ii) in offsprings for which parents were under a stressed
environment or not. The post-doctoral position aims analyzing this big
dataset by using bioinformatics pipelines and statistical methods dedicated
to epigenomics field that were developed by the host team. The overall
objective of this proposal is the identification of molecular pathways
responsible for adaptation to heat and feed stress in chicken. The various
analyses performed will bring new insights in regards to (i)the epigenomic
response to different environments (heat and diet), (ii) the persistance of
epigenomic effects triggered by environment on a multigenerational scale
and (iii) the heritability of molecular epigenomic phenotypes in
populations. In addition, thanks to an integrative analysis of numerous
dataset, this project will provide a body of fundamental knowledge on
adaptive mechanisms regarding heat tolerance and adaptation to feed changes
in a domestic bird.

Frédérique Pitel
UMR1388 - GenPhySE (Génétique, Physiologie et Systèmes d'Elevage)
INRAE, 24 Chemin de Borde Rouge - Auzeville
CS 52627
Tel : (33) 561.28.54.35 ((33)6 82 91 64 95 on Thursdays)



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