
Archived Post

From  Tlistmaster Jan  9 15:27:09 2020
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From: Oscar González-Recio <>
Postmaster: submission approved by list moderator
To: Members of AnGenMap <>
Subject: RanFoG. Software to implement Random Forest analysis
Date: Thu, 09 Jan 2020 15:27:10 -0600

Dear colleagues,

I am happy to announce the release of RanFoG (a software to implement
RANdom FOrest in a Genomic context).

RanFoG implements Random Forest algorithm on *regression and classification*
 problems.  It allows *several loss functions *to choose from (including a
personalised misclassification cost loss function).

It can be use on genomic data, *but also on any other sort of data*.

It has been hosted in github: A
comprehensive README file has been including to explain its usability.
RanFoG has been tested on several datasets, with robust results, but it is
not exempt of possible bugs. If you use it, please let me know any
bugs/problems you may encounter, or any suggestions you may have.

Any feedback is appreciated.

I hope RanFoG was useful for the community.

Kind regards,
Senior Scientist - INIA
Associate Professor - ETSIAAB Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
off: +34 91 347-14-86



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