
Archived Post

From  Sun Nov 24 12:37:54 2019
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From: "Hubert Pausch" <>
Postmaster: submission approved by list moderator
To: Members of AnGenMap <>
Subject: Postdoc position at ETH Zuerich
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2019 12:37:54 -0600

Dear colleagues

The Animal Genomics group at the Institute of Agricultural Sciences, ETH
 Zuerich, invites applications for a highly motivated

Postdoctoral fellow in Statistical Genomics / Computational Genomics

Our group applies bioinformatics and statistical approaches to
investigate genomic variation within and between livestock populations.
We are recruiting for a motivated and talented Postdoc that is eager to
contribute to cutting-edge research projects within our young and
international team.

The Postdoc is expected to contribute to ongoing research projects on the
genomic characterization of cattle and pig populations. We have collected
a database of whole-genome sequencing variants in hundreds of individuals
from several pig and cattle breeds and imputed sequence variant genotypes
for tens of thousands of progeny-tested animals with excellent phenotypic
records. This data will enable powerful association testing. Other
ongoing projects include the development of graph-based reference
genomes, the characterization of individual cattle genomes using long
sequencing reads, and the de-novo assembly of mammalian genomes.
Moreover, our group contributes to international endeavours that aim at
characterizing genomic variation of cattle including the 1000 Bull
Genomes Project and the EU H2020 project BovReg. Our group has access to
ETH's high-performance computing cluster and molecular user labs with
access to short- and long-read sequencing technologies.

The successful candidate should have a research interest in statistical
genomics, computational biology, animal genetics or animal breeding.
Experience with a programming/scripting language (e.g., python, R) is
required as well as a certain level of proficiency in using
high-performance computing clusters. Applicants should hold a PhD (or
should be close to the completion of the PhD thesis) in genomics,
computational biology, bioinformatics, genetics, agricultural sciences,
animal sciences or disciplines related to the PhD position. Affinity to
computational genomics, bioinformatics and statistics is required. The
writing of scientific papers and participation in international
conferences requires good knowledge of English.

The position is available for 2 years with an anticipated start date of
March 1st, 2020 (negotiable, extension beyond 2 years is possible). The
position is based at ETH Zuerich, Switzerland. Salary and social benefits
are internationally highly competitive and will be provided according to
ETH Zurich rules. ETH Zuerich is a top-ranked university with outstanding
research infrastructure and the city of Zuerich has been consistently
ranked as one of the top cities worldwide for quality of life.

We look forward to receiving your application including a cover letter
that states your future research interests and demonstrates your
motivation and suitability for the position, a CV including a list of
publications and achievements and contact information of two references
until December 20, 2019.

For further information regarding the advertised position, our research
projects or about ETH Zuerich in general, please visit our website
( or contact Prof. Hubert Pausch at (no applications).

Please find more information about the position and submit your
application online at:

Please forward this message to anyone you feel might be interested in
this position.

Best wishes,

Hubert Pausch



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