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From  Sun Jun 16 16:49:16 2019
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To: Members of AnGenMap <>
Subject: Frontiers Research Topics on Genetic and Epigenetic
       Insights Into the Developmental Origins of Health
       and Disease
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2019 16:49:16 -0500

Frontiers Research Topics on Genetic and Epigenetic Insights

About this Research Topic

The developmental origins of health and disease hypothesis posit that
perturbations in-utero maternal environment contributes to functional and
metabolic programming, as well as structural adaptations of fetal tissues
predisposing the individual to chronic diseases during childhood and
adulthood. Genetic and epigenetic studies have begun documenting molecular
mechanisms that contribute to shared pathogenetic pathways between early
life outcomes such as fetal growth and later-life chronic diseases.
Integrative genomic and epigenetic studies involving pregnant women, the
placenta, and their offspring can lead to novel discoveries of molecular
signals of early origins of childhood and adulthood diseases.

In this Research Topic, we aim to gather articles from genomic and
epigenetic studies of maternal-placental-fetal genomic and epigenomic
factors and their influences on pregnancy outcomes, and childhood and adult
diseases. Additionally, we will consider studies that compare and present
the SNP variation datasets and large-scale consortium gene expression
patterns across multiple diseases using GTEx, ENCODE, and NIH Roadmap
Epigenomic for functional annotations of non-coding genome with genomic,
transcriptomic, and epigenomic data resources. Original Research
manuscripts, brief reports, and reviews are welcomed.

Keywords: Genetics, epigenetics, maternal-placental-fetal,
 developmental-origins, fetal origins, immune dysregulation, DOHAD

Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the
scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in
their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-
scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer




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