

Return a list of all the marker orders appearing in the heap.


The CarthaGene heapordget command is invoked as:


heapordget returns the list of all the markers orders used in all the maps appearing in the heap. Markers are denoted by their numerical Id and the set of orders returned as a list of lists of numerical Ids.




A list of lists of numerical Ids of markers is returned. Each elementary list in the global list corresponds to the order of the markers used in a map in the heap.

Example :

# starting with a heap of size 3
CG> heapsize 3

# filling it
CG> dsload Data/
{1 f2 backcross 17 208 /homes/thomas/carthagene/test/Data/}
CG> sem

Map -1 : log10-likelihood =  -485.24
 Set : Marker List ...
   1 : MS4 MS5 MS13 MS6 MS11 MS17 MS16 MS8 MS7 MS2 MS3 MS9 MS15 MS12 MS20 M...

CG> flips 3 3.0 1
CG> heaprint

Map  0 : log10-likelihood =  -452.11
 Set : Marker List ...
   1 : MS4 MS5 MS6 MS11 MS13 MS16 MS17 MS8 MS7 MS3 MS2 MS9 MS12 MS15 MS20 M...

Map  1 : log10-likelihood =  -451.97
 Set : Marker List ...
   1 : MS4 MS5 MS6 MS11 MS13 MS16 MS17 MS8 MS7 MS2 MS3 MS9 MS12 MS15 MS19 M...

Map  2 : log10-likelihood =  -451.32
 Set : Marker List ...
   1 : MS4 MS5 MS6 MS11 MS13 MS16 MS17 MS8 MS7 MS3 MS2 MS9 MS12 MS15 MS19 M...

# getting the corresponding orders
CG> heapordget
{1 2 4 5 3 7 6 8 9 11 10 12 14 13 16 15 17} {1 2 4 5 3 7 6 8 9 10 11 12 14 13\
 16 15 17} {1 2 4 5 3 7 6 8 9 11 10 12 14 13 15 16 17}

See also :

Thomas Schiex 2009-10-27