View Details

Map Details

Viewing details about a particular map is done by double clicking on the map label. This will open up the website of the source where the map data was gathered from. If the website is not available, a dialog box will appear telling why.

Segment Details

Viewing details about a segment is done by double clicking on the segment of interest. This will open up the website of the source where the segment data was gathered from. If the website is not available, a dialog box will appear telling why.

Annotation Details

VCMap has an "Annotation Details" dialog box that contains additional information about annotation. This can be accessed in any of four ways:

  1. Double clicking on an annotation label. If the annotation is in a feature grouping then you need to first click on the grouping and then double click on the label.

  2. Pressing the "Details" button located in the top right corner.

  3. Pressing "Ctrl + T" on the keyboard.
  4. Choosing "Annotation -> View Details..." from the menu.

Note: Steps 2, 3, and 4 above require that
annotation be selected first.

If multiple pieces of annotation are selected, the dialog will contain information about every selected piece. Each different annotation will have its own tab. If an annotation is found on multiple loaded maps, it can be viewed by using the "Homologous Genes" drop down menu within the "Annotation Details" dialog. Even more additional information can be viewed by using the links found in the in the lower left corner. These links will open up the webpage for the source that the data was gathered from.

Additional Notes

See Also