The Animal QTLdb Release
Aug 28, 2015


Release 27

(Aug 28, 2015): A sum of 20,005 new QTL added to the database. The current total number of QTL in the database: 57,414 [Breakdown by species -- Cattle: 36,693; Chicken: 4,676; Horse: 1,124; Pig: 13,958; Sheep: 836; Rainbow trout: 127] (New additions less obsolete ones: Cattle: 18,785; Chicken: 151; Horse: 106; Pig: 928; Sheep: 35; Rainbow trout: 0 -- Net increase: 20,005).
Functions: The QTLdb curator tools have been improved (1) There is now a better review environment for private data, including an overall view of data from a report, and a special URL link and channels for external reviews of data (e.g., by journal editors/reviewers) prior to the public data release. (2) A companion tool has been created for curators to search officially published SNPs based on reported genome location. This allows curation of QTL/association data that was previously excluded from data entry due to lack of minimum required information for curation. Using official dbSNP IDs helps consistently anchor the map locations of reported QTL/association data. (3) It's now possible to enter QTL/association data using genome map coordinates if stable dbSNP identifiers are not available. Previously, the genome coordinates were imported based on official dbSNP information. We have now developed a method to record genome coordinates with build versions represented by chromosome RefSeq IDs. (4) Although all QTL/association data must be assigned to an existing trait ontology entry (VT/PT/CMO), curators can now include the reported trait names in the QTL record to allow retrospective review and improve future ontology development.

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