The Animal QTLdb Release
Apr 20, 2012


Release 17

(Apr 20, 2012): Total QTL in the database: 16,584 [Breakdown by species -- Cattle QTL: 5,920; Chicken QTL: 3,162; Pig QTL: 6,818; Sheep QTL: 684; Rainbow trout: 73] (New QTL added to the database: 1,616 -- Cattle: 713; Chicken: 426; Pig: 386; Sheep: 45; Rainbow trout: 73).
New functions added: (1) Updated map location conversion (cM to bp) algorithms; (2) Multiple QTL can be searched for customized QTL alignments and meta-plots; (3) QTL overview within a super-trait is made possible; (4) New query for QTL publication summary by super-trait (trait-type); (5) Structured literature search can better target search scopes; (6) An extensive overhaul of the QTLdb curator tools.

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