The Animal QTLdb Release
Dec 31, 2010


Release 13

(Dec 31, 2010): Total QTL in the database: 13,825 [Breakdown by species -- Cattle QTL: 4,682; Chicken QTL: 2,451; Pig QTL: 6,344; Sheep QTL: 348 ] (New QTL added to the database: 1,190 -- Cattle: 401; Chicken: 167; Pig: 358; Sheep: 264).
New functions added: (1) The Sheep QTLdb has been migrated from its Australia to its Iowa State University site. (2) Pig QTLs are aligned to the pig genome preliminary assembly 9.2. (3) A QTL meta-plot analysis tool is added to the QTLdb. (4) Cytogenetic G-banded chromosome ideograms have been added to QTL maps within the QTLdb for cattle, sheep, pigs and chicken.

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