## ## Configuration file for BEAP5 ## ## BEAP: Blast Extension & Assembly Program ## ## FORMAT: = ## ## All configuration parameters are defined with a "name" and "value" ## connected with a '=' sign. All names are predefined thus should not ## be changed (if you don't want to confuse the program). The "value" ## syntax are described for each parameter below. It is a strongly ## recommended practice that all "value" strings should contain only ## alpha-numeric characters, no spaces. ## ## COMMENT: ## ## All lines starting with '#' symbol are "comment" lines. "Comment out" ## refers to adding a '#' in the begining of the line to make it appear as ## "comments" (to "disable" this line). ## ######################################################################### ## # Absolute PATH to NCBI Blast binaries (verion 2.2.23 required) on your # copmuter (where blastcl3, blastall, megablast, etc are located). #------------- myblastloc = /absolute/path/to/ncbi/blast/bin ## # Absolute PATH to "cap3" location on your copmuter #------------- mycap3loc = /absolute/path/to/cap3 ## # Input file: Plain ascii file containing DNA sequences in fasta format # to serve as starters (primers). #------------- starterseq = infile.fasta ## # Output file: Define a customized file name 'root' (all output files will # be named after this root name. #-------------- outputroot = testone ## # Blast engine: - netblast, which uses NCBI sequence databases remotely. # - megablast, which uses local sequence databases. #------------- blastengine = netblast # blastengine = megablast ## # "netblast" databases: Separate them with comma if multiple sequence db is used. # This option is in effect only when 'blastengine' is set to 'netblast'. # Find the target database names from the 'netblast' README: # ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/documents/netblast.html ; e.g.: # - nr # - est # - est -u bos_taurus # - est_human # - est_others # - bta_genome/bta_bes # - Trace/Bos_taurus_EST # - Trace/Bos_taurus_OTHER # - Trace/bos_taurus_WGS # - htgs -u bos_taurus # For more options, see http://www.animalgenome.org/blast/doc/netblast.html # :: Appendix. Currently supported databases # :: A. General Nucleotide Sequence Databases #------------- netblastdb = nr,est -u bos_taurus,bta_genome/bta_bes,Trace/Bos_taurus_EST,htgs -u bos_taurus ## # "megablast" databases: Separate them with comma if multiple sequence db is used. # This option is in effect only when 'blastengine' is set to 'megablast'. # The name of database to use largely depends on what you install # locally. On the NAGRP server, we have: # - BTGI # - Bt.seq.uniq # - bov.genome.chr # - est_human # - est_mouse # - fasta.sus_scrofa # - Gga.seq.uniq # - GGGI # - Ssc.seq.uniq # - SSGI # - wgs # For more options, see http://www.animalgenome.org/blast/docs/blast_databases.html #------------- megablastdb = Bt.seq.uniq,BTGI,est_human ## # Blast threshold: E-values (default: 1e-10) # Examples: 5e-30, 3e-60, etc. #------------- evalue = 2e-10 ## # Blast threshold: Word size (default: 20) # Examples: 10, 20, 30, 50, 100, etc, etc. #------------- words = 20 ## # Number of BEAP rounds: (default: 10; range: 5-15) # This is the number of times BEAP repeats blasts based on results from # the previous run. Usuallly 5-10 times will achieve what you need. #------------- roundlimit = 10 # END ######