CRI-MAP Users Forum Posted mail
From  Mon Nov  7 17:52:32 2011
From: Jill Maddox <>
To: Multiple Recipients of <>
Subject: Re: Question
Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2011 17:52:32 -0600

Hi Yan-fa

There are several factors that influence speed - hardware - processor speed
and amount of memory (more is better - use top to see how much it is using
and whether it is using real (faster) or virtual (slower)), and also some
of defs.h settings data - complexity (structure of families) and size of
pedigree, number of ungenotyped shared ancestors in pedigree (for snps but
not microsatellites - if subfamilies are only linked by ungenotyped animals
then should split pedigree into separate families and only keep within a
family sub-families that linked via genotyped animals), whether
grandparents are genotyped (fixes some phases), any errors in genotypes
(can slow things down enormously), par file values e.g. PK_LIKE_TOL,

CRI-MAP is not that fast so you need to run it on a computer that stays
turned on using nohup and with output diverted to a file e.g. nohup crimap
n build > &

I am not sure what you mean by "Some families lost the F1 or F0 parent" -
do you mean youhave an F2 population with some ungenotyped parents and

The par file needs to be ascii - any editor that saves in that format will
do. The results won't be in the par file - you will have to extract them
from the build file (if a partial run then look at current orders for a
given number of markers for which only 1 current_order is given - don't
look at those where there are multiple current orders of the same length -
can do fixed or build if update current order line. I have attached a shell
script (Linux, Unix) that helps with updating the par file from a list of
mapped loci - assumes they are in a file named chrn.mapped. You can copy
and paste them from the build file into the .mapped file. Usage n Note: The file needs to be executable (use
chmod). I keep these scripts in a subdirectory of my home directory called
bin and this subdirectory is in my path. If you don't set them up this way
you will need to adjust the script to handle how you have
things set up. Look at the Linux/Unix tutorials on the web for more
information on how to do this if you don't know how to do it.


At 06:22 PM 7/11/2011, =?GBK?B?y+/R3rei?= wrote: 

>Hi, Jill and everyone! Thank you. A lot valuable suggestion for me. when I 
>used the crimap chrompic and build commcands, I can not get the results, 
>the shell show XXX bytes allocated in morecore, or current orders. So long 
>time wait for it over (about one night ), so that I must shut it. I was 
>very puzzle for this. what the good method for me build the genetic map? My 
>data have 20 full-sib families and 6840 SNPs.  And, the .par file,  
>how can I editor it to get the results 
>Sun Yan-fa 


Jill Maddox 16 Park Square Port Melbourne, 3207 Australia phone: 03 9646
0428 E-mail:

# update_par.awk 
# update lists or ordered and inserted loci in par file 
# inputs 
# file containing locus numbers for ordered mapped loci 
# par file 
# replace list of ordered loci in original par file with those in file 
# containing mapped loci; remove any mapped loci from inserted_loci list 

    input_file = var; 
#    FS=OFS="\t"; 
    temp_file = "chr" var ".par.tmp"; 
    new_num_inserted = 0; 

# parse par file. each line in par file starts with a lower or uppercase
letter # the lines to be adjusted are those starting with ordered_loci and
# inserted_loci # mapped loci file consists of a single line of numbers
separated by whitespace # gets list of ordered loci from chr{var}.mapped #
gets list of loci to be inserted from chr{var}.par - list separated by #
whitespace - might be on multiple lines. List is terminated with *. $1 ~
    line_num += 1; 
    if (($1 ~ /^[dgnuwPST]/) || ($1 ~ /ord_file/)) 
        printf "%s\n", $0 > temp_file; 
    else if ($1 ~ /^i/) 
        old_inserted_line = $0; 
        old_num_inserted = split(old_inserted_line, old_inserted_loci); 
printf "old num inserted = %d, first = %s, last = %s\n",  
   old_num_inserted-2, old_inserted_loci[2], old_inserted_loci[old_num_inserted-1]; 

$1 ~ /^[1-9]/{
    ordered_line = $0; 
    num_ordered_loci = split(ordered_line, ordered_loci); 
# printf "num ordered = %d, first ordered = %d, last ordered = %d\n",  
#    num_ordered_loci, ordered_loci[1], ordered_loci[num_ordered_loci]; 

END { 
    for (i = 1; i <= num_ordered_loci; i += 1) 
        temp = ordered_loci[i]; 
        ordered_list[temp] = i; 
# remove ordered loci from inserted loci line and build new inserted loci  
# array. note 1st position occupied by inserted_line, last occupied by * 
    for (i = 2; i < old_num_inserted; i += 1) 
        temp = old_inserted_loci[i]; 
        if ((temp in ordered_list) || (temp ~ /\*/)) 
            new_num_inserted += 1; 
            new_inserted_loci[new_num_inserted] = temp; 

# print ordered loci line 
    printf "ordered_loci " > temp_file; 
    for (i = 1; i <= num_ordered_loci; i += 1) 
        printf "%d ", ordered_loci[i] > temp_file; 
    printf " *\n" > temp_file; 
# print inserted loci line 
    printf "inserted_loci " > temp_file; 
    for (i = 1; i <= new_num_inserted; i += 1) 
        printf "%d ", new_inserted_loci[i] > temp_file; 
    printf " *\nEND\n" > temp_file; 
# script to update lists or ordered and inserted loci in par file 
# inputs 
# file containing locus numbers for ordered mapped loci 
# par file 
# replace list of ordered loci in original par file with those in file  
# containing mapped loci; remove any mapped loci from inserted_loci list 
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then 
    echo 1>&2 Usage: $0 chr_num 
    exit 127 

if ! [ -a ./chr${1}.mapped ]; then
   echo "file chr${1}.mapped not found" 
   exit 127 
if ! [ -a ./chr${1}.par ]; then 
   echo "file chr${1 }.par not found" 
   exit 127 

cat chr${1}.mapped chr${1}.par \
 | gawk -v var=${1} -f ${HOME}/bin/update_par.awk 

mv chr${1}.par chr${1}.par.orig mv chr${1}.par.tmp chr${1}.par exit



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