The Animal QTLdb Release
Dec 29, 2014


Release 25

(Dec 29, 2014): A sum of 3,314 new QTL added to the database. The current total number of QTL in the database: 32,065 [Breakdown by species -- Cattle: 13,145; Chicken: 4,379; Horse: 1,005; Pig: 12,618; Sheep: 791; Rainbow trout: 127] (New additions less obsolete ones: Cattle: 1,602; Chicken: 42; Horse: 660; Pig: 1,008; Sheep: 2; Rainbow trout: 0 -- Net increase: 3,314).
Functions: (1) The state of art online alignment tool - Jbrowse - has been setup for QTL/association data alignment with annotated genes among other genome features. The advantage of Jbrowse is that it allows easy user quantitative data - XYPlot, Density, in BAM or VCF format - to be loaded for comparisons directly to users browser in users local environment. The links to JBrowse can be found on both the front page of AnimalGenome.ORG, and on the Animal QTLdb front page. (2) A preliminary application programming interface (API) has been added to the Animal QTLdb. This implementation used REST web service architecture and XML markup lanuage for data transportations. The added scritable access to the QTLdb is aimed to facilitate end users for a more dynamic access of QTLdb data. (3) Horse QTL data is now streamed to UCSC Genome Browser, Ensembl database for alignment display and data mining using the tools available at UCSC/Ensembl. QTL data stream to NCBI is on the way. (4) A Wordle representation of QTL/ Association discovery trends is made as a fun project.

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