The Animal QTLdb Release
Aug 26, 2013


Release 21

(Aug 26, 2013): A sum of 1,563 new QTL added to the database. The current total number of QTL in the database: 21,558 [Breakdown by species -- Cattle: 7,931; Chicken: 3,919; Pig: 8,919; Sheep: 789; Rainbow trout: 127] (New additions less obsolete ones: Cattle: 915; Chicken: 115; Pig: 533; Sheep: 0; Rainbow trout: 0 -- Net increase: 1,563).
Functions: (1) A China mirror site is set up at the Huazhong Agriculture Univeristy, in Wuhan, China, thanks to the generous offer by Dr. Shu-hong Zhao and hard works by her colleagous. (2) Database expanded to include gene network analysis results. More additions on the functionality is going to happen in the coming months. (2) Search for candidate genes in QTLdb is made easier - Candidate genes is displayed where applicable when users search for traits or for partial gene names/symbols. (3) Fixed a couple dozen minor bugs in both public data portal and in the curator tools.

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