Animal Trait Correlation Database
The Animal CorrDB Release
Dec 21, 2017


Release 2
(Dec 21, 2017): A sum of 842 new correlations (Genetic correlation: 521; Phenotypic correlation: 303; Residual correlation: 18) and 113 heritability data on 64 cattle traits.
( This is a joint release with the 34th QTLdb release)

Database developments: (1) The development of the initial sets of curator tools has completed for the Animal Correlation Database (CorrDB). With this release, we open the CorrDB curation for free registration for anyone who wish to be a curator to enter own or public correlation and heritability data. (2) As part of the Animal QTLdb/CorrDB co-development efforts, functions are developed to link QTL data with trait correlation data through common trait terms where such data exist. For example, within the CorrDB, under the Table View of correlation data, a hyper-linked red "QTL" label is added when QTL data exists on the trait; Like-wise, within the QTLdb on the trait search results, an hyper-linked tag is added on traits where correlation data are found.

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