##gff-version 3 # In GFF3 genes are three-tiered structures descending from gene->mRNA->CDS+UTR # Each level has an ID tag that gives the object a name and a Parent tag that gives the ID of the # feature that contains it. Since the ID tag only has meaning within the GFF3, you must explicitly give # Name attributes to those features that you wish to have display names # By default subfeatures (such as the mRNAs) will not be indexed, meaning that they are not separately # retrievable from the database. However, we want to get at the mRNAs in order to show frame usage, so # we set the "Index" attribute to 1. This is not part of the GFF3 spec, but is a bioperl extension. See # Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store::GFF3Loader ctgA example gene 1050 9000 . + . ID=EDEN;Name=EDEN;Note=protein kinase ctgA example mRNA 1050 9000 . + . ID=EDEN.1;Parent=EDEN;Name=EDEN.1;Note=Eden splice form 1;Index=1 ctgA example five_prime_UTR 1050 1200 . + . Parent=EDEN.1 ctgA example CDS 1201 1500 . + 0 Parent=EDEN.1 ctgA example CDS 3000 3902 . + 0 Parent=EDEN.1 ctgA example CDS 5000 5500 . + 0 Parent=EDEN.1 ctgA example CDS 7000 7608 . + 0 Parent=EDEN.1 ctgA example three_prime_UTR 7609 9000 . + . Parent=EDEN.1 ctgA example mRNA 1050 9000 . + . ID=EDEN.2;Parent=EDEN;Name=EDEN.2;Note=Eden splice form 2;Index=1 ctgA example five_prime_UTR 1050 1200 . + . Parent=EDEN.2 ctgA example CDS 1201 1500 . + 0 Parent=EDEN.2 ctgA example CDS 5000 5500 . + 0 Parent=EDEN.2 ctgA example CDS 7000 7608 . + 0 Parent=EDEN.2 ctgA example three_prime_UTR 7609 9000 . + . Parent=EDEN.2 ctgA example mRNA 1300 9000 . + . ID=EDEN.3;Parent=EDEN;Name=EDEN.3;Note=Eden splice form 3;Index=1 ctgA example five_prime_UTR 1300 1500 . + . Parent=EDEN.3 ctgA example five_prime_UTR 3000 3300 . + . Parent=EDEN.3 ctgA example CDS 3301 3902 . + 0 Parent=EDEN.3 ctgA example CDS 5000 5500 . + 1 Parent=EDEN.3 ctgA example CDS 7000 7600 . + 1 Parent=EDEN.3 ctgA example three_prime_UTR 7601 9000 . + . Parent=EDEN.3